Work Life Balance

Exercise: A Little Goes A Long Way

I hate exercising. I mean, like the whole thing is always so uncomfortable and I never have experienced a runner’s high or anything similar. Maybe only when Yonce starts to play mid-workout; other than that, it’s the worst. I’m sure the fact that I did NO sports-related activities in school helped create this mental block that I have when it comes to exercise.


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Unfortunately, I know that statistically and genetically it’s likely I could get diabetes, heart disease, or suffer from related complications. In fact, Hispanics are 50% more likely to die from diabetes than non-Hispanic whites! That’s a scary stat, and I know how difficult and limiting these diseases can be because they are in my family now. Realizing that many of these medical problems could be delayed or avoided by exercising (and a healthy diet), I don’t have a good enough reason to not attempt to be active.

But it’s hard, right? Time is such a precious commodity and I often feel like there isn’t enough time to do what I want– let alone something as annoying as exercise. My weekly goal is try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise four times per week. I can’t say I’m very diligent about meeting this goal though. Woops!

I’ve found a few other tricks that work as incentives, but I always feel guilty that I’m not doing enough if I only get one or two workouts in that week. Thankfully, I may have science on my side to help ease that guilt! If you’re starting to implement exercise in your life, or feel like you just don’t have the time to commit to a regular regimen then commit to adding just a little bit of physical activity in your daily life because that can make a big difference.

A recent study showed that running for just five minutes daily can add three years to your life. That’s amazing results for just a little extra effort! Plus, I imagine that no one wants to get dressed up in workout gear to just run for five minutes. Maybe the five turn into 15, and soon into 45! Ok, calmate, let’s not get carried away. I’ll stick with 30.

Still, knowing that a little goes a long way in regards to my health is definitely an incentive to do more on a daily basis, and I won’t feel as guilty when I can’t commit to a “full” workout that day!