Law School,  Work Life Balance

Stress Relief while Studying for the Bar

When I say that studying for the Bar is stressful–I am not joking.  It’s not just the anxiety of the unknown, or because so much is riding on the exam.  Most people never experience this type of environment, where you’re memorizing and learning so much information in such large chunks of time; where suddenly you’re putting your mind through a horrible obstacle course of vague terms and complex legal theories.  And closer to the exam you’re studying 12 to 14 hour days.  That is crazy-pants.  I don’t even work for 12 hours a day! I say all this, not to freak people out, but to acknowledge the high stress you’re feeling.  The Bar is a high stakes game and if you’re not careful, it can really wreak havoc on your mind and body.

Instead of letting Bar prep get the best of your nerves, you should attempt to take small moments to refocus and find some calm in your day.  Obviously, you don’t have the luxury or time to take days off to relax, but here are some small things you can do to re-charge and refocus:

bar exam stress

One. Exercise. Seriously, it may seem like the last thing you want to do, but doing just 20 min exercises can help you feel calmer and more in control of the schedule you’re keeping.  The closer you get to the exam the less time you’ll have to really do vigorous exercise, but the sooner you include some minimal exercise in your study schedule the better you will feel.

Two. Attempt meditation.  I am the worst at meditation.  For reals. My mind wanders and I can’t do it alone for more than five minutes.  The tool I use is–it has guided meditation where you can select times (as little as two minutes).  It is my fave when I want to calm down and feel less anxious.  I also recommend doing this if you’re having trouble falling asleep–which I always had trouble sleeping during the Bar.

Three. Eat healthy once a day.  Easier said than done. It’s so easy to eat whatever is available or to treat yourself to comfort food because you’re having such a shitty summer. Totally understandable.  But eating junk or not eating at all is not conducive to studying.  Commit to eating at least one healthy meal a day to help feel better during your studies.  Whether you opt for a healthy breakfast or dinner this goal will help you get some needed nutrients, and will give you a much needed distraction from your studies.