Work Life Balance
Finding a Work/Life Balance: Time Management
Women professionals are constantly bombarded with warnings of maintaining a healthy work/life balance, and I must admit that I’ve also pleaded for this on many occasions. However, for those of us who are the first in our families to enter professional careers, it can be difficult to determine what a healthy work/life balance even looks like. And while it’s hard for any profession, as attorneys we also get a lot of strong signals about what how important work should be above almost everything else. Like, if you’re trying to make partner you can guarantee that you’ll be putting in long hours with little down time; it’s the nature of firm…
Latinas in Law School: What Made You So Lucky?
A few months ago I was at a forum where the moderator asked the panelist (all Latinos working in large firms/government) what made them so lucky in the face of dismal statistics that say Latinos can’t make it in law. It’s a difficult question and I think the instinctive reaction is to think of the hard things you did to make sense of how we overcame a system of oppression to join a privileged profession. Because if I think back on my journey to become an attorney, I can pick out countless of examples of difficult things I had to do to succeed—long nights; working multiple jobs; feeling lonely because…
Creating Good Habits in Law School
I’ve never felt a constantly physical ill feeling until I started law school and neared finals. It felt like such a do or die period and I was so 1) completely ignorant of the process and 2) incredibly nervous. I started having a lot of physical symptoms (b/c that’s how I manifest stress) that resulted in making a lot of bad choices because those brought instant-gratification and would quell my stress. But of course, that became a vicious cycle because often that bad choice would eventually make me feel worse–and did little to help my stress. I’m sure many of you who are starting finals are beginning to feel that…
Stress and the New Lawyer
When you start a new job as an attorney it’s super exciting. Not only are you working at a job that likely pays more than what you’re used to; you are also working as an attorney–hello?! a major goal you’ve accomplished. It’s normal to be excited. But it seems that soon enough that excitement fades and it turns into stress. Yes, you’re being paid more but you’ve got student loans. Yes, you get to be an attorney, but maybe it’s not exactly how you envisioned; plus you’re working hard cases, long hours, in possibly tough atmospheres. How do we handle the realities of the day to day mental stresses? The…
Raise Your Voice: Student Activism
My freshman year in college, I innocently walked into a workshop about white supremacy. I had imagined I would learn about overt acts of racism (a la the KKK) but I when the workshop ended, I walked out stunned. My 19 year old brain had never been exposed to the idea of systemic oppression (please cut me some slack–it was very early 2000s and information did not travel like it does now). That day was probably one of the most formative days in school–it was like a curtain had been pulled back and suddenly so many things made sense, while so many more created confusion. After that workshop, it still…
Happy Latina Feminist: We Should All Be Feminist Review
I know I just did a book review a few weeks ago, but this isn’t technically a book review (oK?). We Should All Be Feminist by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie is actually a transcript of one of her speeches given at a TEDx talk, which you can listen to here. It’s such a fantastic description of feminism and what it means to really use critical thinking skills to dissect how gender roles impact us and what we can do to work towards a more equal society. It also bases much of its premise on, what seems to me to be, common sense. I really encourage people to listen to her speech…
Latinas and Domestic Violence.
A friend from law school works in an agency that represents survivors of domestic violence and posted this poignant and incredibly sad alter for Day of the Dead to honor the murdered victims of domestic violence. As someone who works first hand with DV survivors this really struck a chord, I hear countless violent stories of survivors who barely made it out on time—and then there’s so many incidents of choking/head trauma that make me worry about the future health of those clients. Unfortunately, DV is a major problem in all communities, including ours. One in three Latinas will experience physical inter-family violence in their lifetime. This means that too…
Looking Good: Eyeshadow Primer for Work
One of the negatives about makeup is that it’s so easy to get it wrong. Too heavy-handed and it can look overwhelming; a slight misapplication can look sloppy; too light and it’s gone in an hour—I takes patience and practice, imo. One big thing for me is that if you’re going to wear makeup in a professional setting it needs to look appropriate and be applied well. A big problem I see (and I categorize it as a problem because it can be distracting) is smeared eyeshadow/liner. Eyelids can get oily, even mine and I have a super dry skin. I hate to admit that I’m often distracted by people at…
Notorious RBG, A Book Review
It’s hard to not sound like a fan girl when discussing Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but there’s good reason to be her fan! It may sound like an exaggeration to say she paved the way for gender equality in the law, but when you study women jurisprudence you can see how vital she is to this movement. So imagine how excited I was to be able to review Notorious RBG*!? Super excited. However, I’m going to calm down my inner fan girl and give this book an appropriate review. The book is written by journalist Irin Carmon and attorney, Shana Knizhnik. I have often wanted to read more about RBG,…
Nude Lipsticks for Work
So in case you don’t know this—I’ve always been a makeup fanatic, but I didn’t turn into a full blown product junkie until I started studying for the Bar. That’s when I discovered Youtube gurus and it’s been hell on my bank account ever since. However, one big mistake I’d make is that I’d see a pretty shade on someone and go get the same thing—not thinking about how that shade may not work for my skin tone #rookiemistake. So when I started working full-time, I finally made it a point to buy nudes that were actually Nude For Me, which as a brown girl, is really important to take…