Work Life Balance

  • Work Life Balance

    Common Makeup Missteps

    Ok first, I’m not about telling women what to do when it comes to their appearance.  There are so many issues when it comes to discussing makeup and fashion, and it’s far too easy to become patronizing when giving women advice on how we dress.  Instead, I’m going to attempt to talk about distractions and how to avoid common missteps when it comes to using makeup in a conservative/professional setting.   However, if at the end of this post you still want to do what you want to do–go ‘head! Everyone that knows me, knows I’m obsessed with makeup, but I definitely tone down my look for work.  It’s just a…

  • Issues,  Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    The Beginning.

    It’s the last Friday of the month! How is it already almost October, Fall, and nearing the end of the year?!  I don’t understand it.   But this post is titled “The Beginning” because it is a new season and because tomorrow so many people will go take the LSAT, which is the official real beginning of the law school process.  We wish all of the test-takers an abundance of great luck and calm minds.  And for those Latinas taking the exam we want to scream: Si Se Puede!  We are keeping our fingers crossed! For the last Friday post, let’s share some of our favorite stories from around the…

  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Spotlight On! Solo Practitioner Daissy Dominguez

    Today is the first of a very exciting series entitled: Spotlight On! The idea is to showcase new Latina attorneys and learn about the early successes in their careers. To start this series we’re interviewing Daissy Dominguez, a solo practitioner based in Chicago, Illinois.  Daissy joined the bar on October 31, 2013, and opened her own practice, which focuses on criminal defense, immigration, and landlord/tenant law.  I’m super excited to tell you all about her because I’ve also had the pleasure to work with her on some cases and know that her dedication to the community is the real deal! How did you decide to start your own solo practice?

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  • Work Life Balance

    Staying Hydrated

    How much water do you drink?  I used to be so bad about drinking water.  I’m positive that in law school when I had a choice between buying a bottle of soda or buying a bottle of water, the soda won every time.  That’s because when we’re busying working or studying it’s  so easy to overlook healthy habits (and start bad ones).  Needless to say it was a rough three years… Then I graduated and I started buckling down on my health and really made it a priority.  This included increasing my water intake.  I went from drinking no water, to drinking at least three liters a day.  Four liters on a…

  • Issues,  Work Life Balance

    In Defense of Hispanic Heritage Month

    September 15 marks the beginning of Hispanic Heritage Month and for many Hispanic/Latinos it’s not such a happy occasion.  I get it.  It’s sometimes hard to swallow “celebrating” when we’re not just one culture and when there’s so much oppression and injustice inflicted on Latinos.   I get that this month can sometimes seem like lip service. But, nonetheless, I’m here to defend it.  Not the name, or the fact that it tries to encompass so many different cultures in one, but the general intent and the positive impact it can actually create.     Because while it may seem like pandering to some,  for other Latinos celebrating HHM can be…

  • Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Quarterly Report: Setting a Budget

    Today’s post is brought to you by my “in-house” accountant and Reg. CPA (aka my husband Evan). Evan has kindly agreed to write some posts about finances every now and then (lucky us!). I know I’m a little bias but it’s no exaggeration when I say he’s a whiz at this kind of thing, and I’m very happy to be able to share some of his knowledge with you. Today’s post is about setting a budget–something I never, ever could do. Budget setting is tedious to do and even harder to stick to, but Evan is here to provide some tips to create, start, and stick with budget that matches…

  • Work Life Balance

    Friday Favorites

      First, thank you for such a great month! We were so excited to launch and worried about reception, but have heard such great feedback and positive reactions!  So, thank you!  We’re excited to move forward and have some good posts scheduled for next month.  Second, can you believe the month is almost over? For those of you starting law school, I hope you’re not feeling too nervous!  You’ll get into a pattern soon enough!   I hope everyone has a great Labor Day Weekend!  If you need a study break or have some time to kill this weekend here are some of my fave links from this past month:…

  • Uncategorized,  Work Life Balance

    Balanced Diet: Tasty and Healthy Shrimp Tacos

    One of my big pet peeves is the idea that food from Mexico and Central/South America is the height of unhealthiness.  I have even read articles about doctors shaming patients when they make blanket statements that all that X ethnic-style food is bad.  In reality, there’s so much fresh vegetables and fruits in “Latino” cuisines that you can make healthy dishes or just add a few alternatives and make favorite dishes a little healthier.  This Friday series of a well-lived life is about eating healthy, while still getting to enjoy the comfort food many of us were raised on. Now, I’m by no means an extensive cook or an expert in clean-eating…

  • Work Life Balance

    Exercise: A Little Goes A Long Way

    I hate exercising. I mean, like the whole thing is always so uncomfortable and I never have experienced a runner’s high or anything similar. Maybe only when Yonce starts to play mid-workout; other than that, it’s the worst. I’m sure the fact that I did NO sports-related activities in school helped create this mental block that I have when it comes to exercise. Unfortunately, I know that statistically and genetically it’s likely I could get diabetes, heart disease, or suffer from related complications. In fact, Hispanics are 50% more likely to die from diabetes than non-Hispanic whites! That’s a scary stat, and I know how difficult and limiting these diseases…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Finding Affordable Suits for Interviews

    One thing I didn’t realize before I first started law school was how much I would have to spend on suits.  I mean, I knew business attire was necessary, but I didn’t know just how expensive they actually were.  I had to do a lot of digging and searching for something appropriate, professional, and still very affordable because I didn’t have extra money for department store suits. If you are preparing for OCI, I’m sure you’re in the midst of finalizing all the details, including what to wear.  For those done with OCI, how did you offset the cost of buying suits for interviews or competitions? For those about to…