• Law School

    What Lin Manuel Miranda Can Teach Us About Law School

    First, and foremost, I have been on the Lin Manuel bandwagon since 2010. It’s on record, people. So I saw his tweet today and was like aha! his work ethic is a great example of how to succeed in your educational pursuits. He tweeted:   You will have to say no to things to say yes to your work.   I mean, I know he’s an artist, but he was basically describing the path to a J.D. It’s not a newsflash to current law students or attorneys that getting to (and through) law school requires sacrificing many things in order to succeed. But in the midst of that sacrifice it…

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  • Law School

    What Did I Just Read? Mastering Your Law School Assignments

    One of the biggest problems with being a new law school student is that you rarely have a chance to truly gage how you’re doing in your courses until the end. Of course, some professors offer midterms to help you understand what’s going on, but that’s not always a given. Additionally, you not only have to worry about mastering the topics, but more importantly you have to learn how to analyze, i.e. that elusive “thinking like a lawyer” thing.  My 1L year, by midway through, I felt really confident in my classes. I thought I was understanding the topics and could follow along with the discussion—I thought things were great.…

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  • Law School

    Must Have School Supplies for Law School

    Ok so all the summer students have left the building and I am super sad that it’s back to business as usual—meaning, I’m the one in charge of all the business.  So sad to not have anyone to help out here and there… But the end of summer also means that I get to stock up on school supplies! I know, I don’t technically need them as my agency provides basics but I so much prefer to have my own things, you know? Since the new semester is starting, I thought I’d share some must-have school supplies. I’m trying to not be obvious about it because like duh we all…

  • Law School

    Conquering the Beginning of Law School

    School is going to start soon!  For so many reasons, I still distinctly remember starting my first day of law school. Probably it’s a mixture of disbelief that this was actually happening and also coming out of a really horrible summer that very literally could have cost me being able to attend law school at all. So, I remember how excited I was to start, but also how ill-prepared I was for what was about to happen. Story of my life.  But I want you to be super-prepared. I want you to go in so confident about what’s going to happen that all you have to worry about is your…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Summer Series: Being Your Biggest Cheerleader

    Our Summer Series continues! This series highlights different Latina students and law grads as they embark in their summer jobs and/or bar prep all across the country. We hope to provide a variety of work experiences, options for a healthy work-life balance, and general motivation through different guest contributors to help you to take charge of your summer and professional goals!  Today we hear from Maria, a part-time evening law student who describes the steps needed to successfully balance work, school, and family expectations:   Ever since I was a little girl, I had dreams of doing it big. I’m not about to disappoint myself.   I am Maria, a San Diego law…

  • Law School

    Don’t Do It: Things to Avoid After Law School Finals

    One of the biggest difference between undergrad and law school is that in undergrad, you go into finals with a basic idea of what your grade will be in that class.  In law school, all of your grade is dependent on this one final exam, and you have little idea what your grade will be or even if you are truly understanding the concepts of the course. So unlike undergrad, where you can turn in your bluebook and move on–law school finals stick with you for a long time.  There’s always a little bug in your head reminding you that grades are coming and it makes you worry about how you…

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  • Law School,  Legal Practice

    Law Student Transformation: Exposing Yourself to a Calling

    It’s time for our Summer Series! We’re calling for Contributors for this summer and to give a preview of the really awesome voices of Latina lawyers, we wanted to share a piece by Roxanne. We last heard from her as a rising 3L and now she’s set to graduate in a month! Read about her exposure to direct client counseling and how impactful a law degree can be to both the student and community:   I’m about a month away from graduating from Southwestern Law School. Looking back on the last three years of my life is hard, it makes me cry, because I’m so proud of myself for how…

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  • Law School

    What Happens When You Hate Law School?

    There’s a (completely not true) saying that people either loved law school and hate practicing or they hated law school but love practicing.  Obviously, the winning combo is the latter because you do that for longer. But having to do something that you seriously dislike for three years really takes its toll.  And law school often has it’s highs and lows, so there are moments you’re loving it and times you really believe you’ve made a huge mistake. That kind of love/hate relationship is super common, but then there are also situations for people where there aren’t many highs with constant lows.  You get to a point where you seriously consider…

  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Life After Law School Finals

    This is re-post from last year, but it still holds true! Enjoy your break! And for those of us practicing, take advantage of the season to indulge in self-care! Seven years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) and I celebrated our first Christmas together after finishing my first semester of law school.   I recently stumbled across a picture of our tree: I have to smile at the sparseness of the apartment; the newspaper wrapping paper; and the window treatments because the apartment was always freezing!  The struggle was real!  Aside from upping my decoration game, this picture reminds of the difficulties of  that first semester. During the midst of my first…

  • Law School

    Final Freakouts: Handling Mishaps during Law School Finals

    If you’re in the midst of studying for finals, you’re likely stressed (ha!) so I don’t want to add more to your plate, but I want to give a one small warning about finals.  Not the study time leading up to the actual exam, but the day of and the (minimal) possibility of an emergency during the exam. An emergency meaning you have a mini-freakout because something goes awry. What would you do if your software exam crashes and you suddenly can’t type your exam? What if the person next to you has a cold that means they’re constantly making distracting noises?  It may seem like overkill, but there is…

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