Game On: Actions Steps to Take Now to Land a Full-Time Attorney Position
When I started law school I didn’t really know how I was going to get a job. I just assumed that closer to my graduation, I’d start applying for entry level positions. LOL. Of course, soon I learned about the importance of externships/clerkships and back then the “rule” was that where you summered your rising 3L year was where you’d likely get an offer from and you’d be set by the time you took the bar. LOLLOLOL. Cue the recession. But honestly, with or without the recession, I wouldn’t have known how intricate and long-term legal job applications can be; your interview process can begin a year from your start…
What Not to do at a Job Interview
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of networking and interviewing with students. I really enjoy this interaction and am super impressed with most students. Acing interviews really requires a lot of preparation, both in knowing the company, the job description, and your own strengths. Of course there are people who stumble. Often the stumbles occur because of self-doubt or (even worse) being ill-prepared. It’s really awkward to see a good candidate miss the mark because they did something that was very avoidable. I mean, it’s awkward for me, but it’s bad for the candidate because a big stumble may result in not getting an offer. Let’s avoid that! …
Prepping for your Summer Job
My 1L year, the month I was supposed to start looking for summer job options, I received bad news after bad news involving my family– all of which culminated when I was told that my dad had just been diagnosed with cancer (he’s fine now, thankfully!). With all this added stress, guess who never made it to career services, or even knew that deadlines for jobs starting in MAY were approaching in December? Me. It was me. By the time I could actually focus on finding some type of summer employment, I was scrambling to find any agency that was still looking for help. Luckily, after cold-calling a few nonprofits, a…