What To Do Your 1L Summer
For many 1Ls, you’re about a month away before you’re able to really start applying for summer jobs. I remember during my first 1L semester not really understanding the importance of looking for work that was still months away. I mean, how could I know the importance when I was still just a few months into law school and had no idea how the process really worked? I knew that people starting applying in the fall, but that seemed so silly to me—surely this could wait until spring, right? I totally didn’t know the ins and outs of summer jobs and how the “good” positions are offered before the year…
A Successful Intern is a Proactive Intern
End of June is always so exciting when SCOTUS decision come down. While I am still so sadden about DAPA/DACA+, I’m elated about Affirmative Action and the women’s rights cases decided today. But in the midst of excitement is still the day-to-day work that is never ending! I’m actually going on vacation this week (follow me on Instagram to see my trip to Italy!), but I’ve been working double-time to make sure the interns I work with have a steady stream of work while I’m gone—I mean, just because I’m out of the office doesn’t mean I can’t get work done 🙂 (kidding, kind of). I know a lot of attorneys…
Things to NOT Do as a New Legal Intern
Summer jobs are about to start in just a few weeks—this will be my sixth (!!!) summer working with interns and it’s hilarious to me the huge difference in my supervision skills that I have now compared to my first summer. Like, the fact that my first summer I had no supervision skills for one… Now that I have some experience on working with interns I can tell you how small changes in behavior can make a big difference in having a successful summer job. The open secret is that many attorneys strongly dislike working with students because it often ends up being more trouble than it’s worth. But I LOVE…
The Importance of Diversity (and I’m not talking about Race)
If I have not scared you enough into preparing for your summer job then rest assured I will keep trying. Appointments with career services will be here soon and deadlines will be fast approaching, and one of the things you have to decide soon is where you’re planning to apply. Perhaps you had a really good experience with an agency your 1L summer. Or you’ve been interning during the fall semester with a new agency that you really are enjoying. It’s natural to want to keep working for a place you enjoy. However, if you’re dealing with a legal market where offers are not certain, or you’re working public interest where…