• Law School,  Leadership,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    A Survival Framework: The Magic is in the Balance

    At this point, I am resigned to the fact that life will continue to be “unprecedented,” with extreme highs and lows. I guess such is life, and we have to figure out how to not just survive it but overcome it and find joy, hope, resiliency–all the good things.  Again, I don’t want to come off as polly-anna–things are rough, to say the least, and it’s only day two. But I was an immigration attorney, on the ground, during the first term and I practiced for a long time prior to that. I am old enough to have a plan and also wise enough to know that I don’t know…

  • Issues,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    2024 Latina Equal Pay Day: The Power of Walking Away

    Today is Latina Equal Pay Day, which means we finally earned that dollar that a white man earned months and months ago. It’s an important day to acknowledge because Latinas face one of the largest wage gaps of social group, earning as little as 52 to 54 cents to the dollar. And in some of the largest Latina populated states (like California) Latinas earn even less. We’ve spoken for years on this topic and the damage it does—not just to the psyche but the literal damage of what it means to be short-changed and unable to afford necessities the way others may be able to do. As we make note…

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  • Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    200 days of a rest: lessons learned during my sabbatical

    “But I’ve always worked?” That is what I kept telling myself a little more than a year ago when I was weeks away from my job ending. I was going back and forth on finding a job (any job) so that I could keep working or following the lead of some of my colleagues and take a break before looking for my next role. I ultimately took the leap and went on break for 210 days. It was exactly what I needed to rest and reflect. I’d like to share a few lessons learned and encourage you to invest in self, in whatever way that looks for you. First, at…

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  • Law School,  Legal Practice

    Emotional Damage: Preparing for the Bar Exam

    Why the bar exam so difficult? It’s stressful, emotionally draining, and usually makes those studying a ball of frustration and anxiety. Why? Over one exam?! I’ve shared before that the summer I studied for the Bar, was beyond stressful. I did nothing but study for 12-14 hours a day, freaking out every day that I was going to fail, and on exam day when I read the first question I was -literally-embarassed at how much I had freaked out because the test was just like my law school exams. Duh. That’s what everyone who had taken the test said, but I just couldn’t believe them. So I know that in…

  • SideBar,  work life

    What I’m Taking with Me in 2024

    I thought it made sense to pop in and say hello. Every time I do, I usually say I’m going to write more posts but then it doesn’t happen so I won’t say that. I do want to keep providing content but I have found (as most old school bloggers eventually find) that folks just aren’t as into long-form written content, which breaks my heart because I love writing a nice, long post but I also want to give you what you want! So maybe I’ll focus on quality over quantity for the time being. On the personal front, I took all of summer 23 off (and the fall, eek).…

  • Legal Practice

    Solo Navigation: Career Advancement as a First-Generation Attorney

    What do you do when you’re the first to enter a space? When no one in your family or close friends have been in those spaces, how do you figure out how to act and advance to the next stage? I recently saw a TikTok of a guy mentioning how he is in spaces where now has to figure things out alone because he didn’t come from a family who had professional jobs and sometimes it didn’t make sense to follow their advice. This resonated with me and reminded me of the advice many first-gens get about keeping our head down at work. Thinking that eventually our good work will…

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  • Issues,  Law School,  Legal Practice

    “If You Don’t Know How, Learn.” Lessons from A Million Miles Away

    Last week after an especially jolting 5k (pro tip: don’t decide to run a 5k and then fail to train when you have asthma), I decided to take it easy for the day and watch A Million Miles Away. oh. my. god. I was a sobbing mess. It’s a must see, if you’re Latino, if you feel connected to migrant farmworkers and their story, or if you simply want to see a story about perseverance and determination.  AMMA is a biopic of the first Latino to go into space, Jose Hernandez. He grew up as a migrant child farmworker, earned a degree in engineering and went on to join NASA,…

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  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  SideBar,  Work Life Balance

    Hello, It’s Me.

    I feel like a negligent parent because I really thought a summer break would mean more and more written content, but that is not what happened! My bad. Last we spoke, my job was ending and I was figuring out what my next steps would be. In early May, I decided I would take the summer to figure out—really assess—what I wanted to do next. While I kept my law license active, the days of traditional practice seem behind me. Not in a “I wish I could go back” way, but rather my goals have moved past direct rep. I put in ten good years doing it and when I…

  • Law School

    0L summer prep: the months before law school

    I spent the summer months before I started law school at a law school boot camp at Notre Dame. It was a program created to support students of color gain entry opportunities into this profession—that’s right, an affirmative action program. I wouldn’t have succeeded in law school without that program. So taking a moment to be grateful about that, but also to ask all the pre law bebes, what are you doing this summer to prepare?! Certainly it doesn’t need to be as hard core as a boot camp! But while there is a lot of advice to just relax and have fun, I’m always hesitant to give that advice.…

  • Law School

    Take Back Your Summer: How to Respond If Your Summer Internship Isn’t Providing You the Experience You Need

    You have two summers to make it count. Your 1L and 2L summers allow you to intern in legal spaces in an in-depth way that develops your skills, builds a professional network, and provides guidance on how the beginning of your career will look. At least that’s what we think—the reality is that you may experience an internship or two that is clearly not a fit. And when it happens in the summer, it can feel especially frustrating because this times feels so valuable. When I think back to my internship my second summer, I feel frustrated at myself for not being more active in making sure I gained better…

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