Issues,  Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

#Top5: Second Anniversary!!

I cannot believe I have been working at this for 2 years! Insert screaming ghost emoji here. Two years of being inspired and motivated and moved to tears by so many incredible, intelligent, passionate, hard-working, dedicated women.

When I first started this blog I didn’t know what would become of it—I had always blogged for fun, but this had/has a purpose; a large mission that many, many times I wasn’t sure if I was capable enough to carry.  Because in the end, who am I to provide this advice? But every time (and this is no exaggeration) –every time—I had a doubt,  I would get little bits of encouragement from readers.  What seem like small comments to outsiders were loud reminders to me that Latina Lawyers are a small group, but we’re mighty and if I’m able to provide even just a little bit of guidance to help someone achieve their goal and set themselves on a path to professional/educational/community-based success then why would I think of stopping?!

I am so grateful for everyone that reads and shares these posts. I am especially grateful for all the amazing contributors we’ve had in the past two years that have provided their time and their voice to this site. My goal* is to always showcase as many of us as possible and those willing to share their stories have made this site just so much better than if it was just my lone voice out here in the internet wilderness.  So mil, mil gracias to everyone!

Mini-celebration time!!



And of course a review of some of the top posts of this past year!

Bridging the Family Gap–helping families understand your journey through law school.


Avoiding Classism as we Master Business Etiquette–learning the professional norms without feeling like our families are less-than for nothing teaching us these norms.


The Cost & Benefits that Comes with Negotiating as a Latina–what do you lose when you don’t negotiate?


What Happens when You Hate Law School–don’t quit just yet.


In the Country We Love; My Family Divided–A review.


*If you have an attorney in mind that should be showcased here OR have an idea for a topic/story/question then let’s get connected!