Work Life Balance
Advice to a Baby Lawyer
This week marked my fourth year as a practicing attorney. I still remember how excited I was to be shown my own office. It was the former windowless library/storage area that had been converted into an office, but it was mine! Thankfully, my first year proved to be a really great experience that confirmed that my life-long goal of being an attorney was exactly what I wanted to be doing. But that doesn’t mean there weren’t bumps along the road. So I thought it would be fun to give my old self some advice—maybe it will be helpful to all you new baby lawyers! Dear Nubia, Ok so you…
Preparing for Law School Finals
It’s almost that time. Stress level is probably at an all time high. You may be behind in some classes, trying to get all your reading done; finalizing your legal writing class memos; editing writing samples and resumes for your job applications; maybe even working on cites for journal, on top of everyday life. First, I’m sorry. Second, have you started preparing for finals? Because it’s time. I know if you’re a 1L, it may seem like an impossible task, and as an upperclassmen, it’s just another layer of work you have to dig through. But before you know it, you’ll be sitting for your tests so it’s vital that you…
Latinas and Political Representation
Midterm elections are finished, and after a few months break the big race to 2016 will commence. If you’re like me, you love political season. If you’re like most normal people—you hate it. Regardless how you feel about the systems and parties in this country, I want to introduce you to a new organization called Latinas Represent. A nonpartisan group dedicated to helping Latinas get in the game. Latinas compose only a little over 1% of elected officials, a dismal number. As we’ve mentioned again and again, all women’s issues are Latina issues and often it hits us even harder. So why aren’t we running to make things better? Latinas…
Latinas Are Leaning In, A Book Review
Two summers ago, I brought the book Lean In with me on vacation to St. Martin and promptly threw it back in my travel bag because this is just not beach-reading material! A few months later, I was having lunch with one of the few Latina lawyers I know and she highly recommended the book. I started reading it and couldn’t stop. It was so informative and compelling, not just because the stories and statistics provided illuminated problems women face in the professional workforce; or because the advice seemed practical and useful; but because it was a window into a powerful world that we are trying to join. First, from a…
When Family Obligation Become Obstacles
We have talked a lot about how to navigate the status quo within the legal community because there’s so much pushback from those already in power. However, we often overlook the pushback we receive from family/communities who fear that we’ll either abandon our connections or don’t understand the time and commitment needed in order to succeed. Now many of us would say that our families have always been our biggest supporters, but being our biggest supporters isn’t mutually exclusive from also subconsciously (or consciously) setting barriers in front of us. A few years ago, a study on Latino lawyers revealed that personal/family obligations were a big factor in derailing us from finishing/attending…
Happy Halloween!
Ok how is October over? How are the holidays just weeks away?! I’m excited for the holidays, but I’m sure quite a few of us are feeling a little apprehensive because the closer we get to the holidays the closer we got to finals and other pressing deadlines. I remember barely enjoying Thanksgiving my 1L year because I had to work Black Friday at a retail store and then get back to studying. It was the worst. But things get better! That’s the great thing about the end of the year–it’s the start of something new! Speaking of new–what are some topics/suggestions you’d like to see added to the site? Any…
Get the Look: Affordable & Professional Handbags
When I was in school, lugging a ton of books back and forth, I went through at least seven bags in three years. Seven! I felt like Goldilocks because each bag was either too flimsy, too small, too casual, or too expensive. At that time (2010), the large Le Pliage bag from Longchamp was everywhere. It seemed like all the girls had this bag and it was perfect. It was sturdy, large, professional, no glaring logos, and came with an array of colors. It also cost $145. Yikes. Nope, not for me. It’s not an outrageously priced bag, but back then we were in the midst of a recession…
Three Simple Ways to Reduce Stress
The posts this week have been a little stress-inducing, right? Law school debt and rejection–not exactly something that keeps you calm. So, let’s talk stress relief! Although I know some of us are in the midst of mid-terms, job applications, cases, LSAT prep, life in general, so things are hella hectic, and trying a new treatment might not be the best option right now. But I really like to emphasize the importance of healthy living because while many of us can handle heavy pressure, it’s very difficult to flourish under it. And I want to live a life where I thrive and grow–not just one that I can withstand. I…
If You Didn’t Pass the Bar
It’s hard to talk about failing the bar. First, because nothing we say will really remove the sting for those that didn’t pass. Second, because it’s so unfair how not passing upends your life for another six+ months, and even if you have a clear head now that the news has settled, it still doesn’t change the fact that you have to put in more time to pass this test. If you receive bad news like this, it’s important to give yourself time. Don’t make rash decisions right away (unless you really have to)–you need the time to bounce back mentally and emotionally. Slowly, you’ll come to terms and you’ll…
Emergency Kit for Work
When you start working full-time you quickly realize just how many hours you will spend at your desk. Because we devote so much time to our work life, it’s important to make things as comfortable as possible. Aside from comfort, it’s always good to be prepared in case emergencies arise so that you’re not scrambling to look appropriate. Yes, by emergency I mean not emergencies at all, rather minor inconveniences. But, believe me–when you’re about to give a presentation to a bunch of attorneys and you realize your nails are all chipped, you’re going to wish you had something to remedy this problem! I started keeping a stash of “emergency” items,…