Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

Happy Anniversary! Seven Years of Latinas Uprising

I can’t even believe that Latinas Uprising is turning seven this week! When I hit publish in summer 2014, I had no idea—I could not have imagined—the type of community this would form. All I knew was that I wanted to find other Lawtinas like me and offer whatever support I could.

From that grew a community of fierce, engaged, and driven people who work to make this profession better. I’m alway so grateful for everyone who reads this space and for the support and encouragement provided. Seven years went by in a flash!

So I wanted to share some of our top posts, those that created dialogue and motivated us. Here are seven posts for seven years…

1. Law School Culture Shock: A popular posts that reminds you that it’s not you—it’s law school!

2. Advice to a Baby Lawyer: A letter to me when I celebrated five years and still good advice for anyone starting any new endeavor.

3. Necessary Supplies for Bar Exam: Even as we switch to a more digital based exam, you still need lots of studying supplies to get through this process

4. Networking Basics: How to Master a Networking Event: We all hate networking—it’s awkward and weird, but there are things you can do to actually excel and —yes, enjoy!—networking.

5. Prepping for Your First Week as a 1L: Not to be dramatic, but your first week is important. It’s fine if you can’t prepare for it but if you can do these steps you can go in your first semester feeling in control and ready to master these new skills.

6. Goal-Getter: Setting Goals for New Attorneys: Learning and progressing doesn’t end just because you’re done with school. Setting goals and growing your career are ultimately your responsibilities and knowing how to do that will be vital in creating a fulfilling career.

7. What Happens When You Hate Law School?: Law school is a hate/love; give/take relationship. It can make you question your decision and feel downright miserable. But even then, it’s important to really assess why you hate it to figure out how you can keep going.


Did your fave post make the list?


  • Lorena Morales

    Happy anniversary!!! While I’m not a lawyer, I’m a Latina uprising who loves and enjoys reading your blog. There has been a couple of articles that were so timely, exactly what I needed to read to help me feel better, see a different perspective or simply read good advice about life in general. I am very proud of your dedication to help and advice others through all these years. Excelente trabajo señora editora!