Must Have School Supplies for Law School
Ok so all the summer students have left the building and I am super sad that it’s back to business as usual—meaning, I’m the one in charge of all the business. So sad to not have anyone to help out here and there… But the end of summer also means that I get to stock up on school supplies! I know, I don’t technically need them as my agency provides basics but I so much prefer to have my own things, you know? Since the new semester is starting, I thought I’d share some must-have school supplies. I’m trying to not be obvious about it because like duh we all…
Conquering the Beginning of Law School
School is going to start soon! For so many reasons, I still distinctly remember starting my first day of law school. Probably it’s a mixture of disbelief that this was actually happening and also coming out of a really horrible summer that very literally could have cost me being able to attend law school at all. So, I remember how excited I was to start, but also how ill-prepared I was for what was about to happen. Story of my life. But I want you to be super-prepared. I want you to go in so confident about what’s going to happen that all you have to worry about is your…
One Week to Go: Conquer the Bar
You have one week to go. It’s super tense right now, I know–this was me, one week before the bar: Don’t panic. That is what I keep telling myself. don’t panic b/c it distracts you. just focus. not easily done. I have been in my apartment for five days. I have not stepped foot outside my home in five days…and I probably won’t until Saturday. study study study. But sadly today I reviewed subjects that are not my friends: Commercial Paper, Secured Transaction, and Corporations…basically all business related shit. After reviewing I about freaked out when I tried to do an essay because I could not answer it! I was…
Be Your Best Self During the Bar (it’s semi-possible)
Some worthwhile pieces of advice as you study for the bar so that you go into the exam well-rested, well-nourished, and well-versed in the format:
Summer Series: Actions Steps to Take as you Prepare for the Bar
Our Summer Series begins again! This series highlights different Latina students and law grads as they embark in their summer jobs and/or bar prep all across the country. We hope to provide a variety of work experiences, options for a healthy work-life balance, and general motivation through different guest contributors to help you to take charge of your summer and professional goals! Today we hear from Maya, an solo practitioner who took the Bar this past winter, and has incredibly relevant and timely advice for those prepping for the Bar! Hello, my name is Maya and I was born and raised in Lima, Peru. I graduated from the University of Baltimore School of Law in…
Is It Possible to Have Fun During the Bar Prep?
I remember after my first week of Bar prep the instructor telling us to enjoy our summer break—meaning Memorial Day weekend because that was going to be it in terms of free time and fun. I hate to break it to you but that’s mostly right, so take advantage of this long weekend and have some fun! Go get drinks, go shopping, hang out with friends, whatever you want to do because this is the last weekend you’ll feel like you can do anything without a tremendous amount of guilt and anxiety. Having said that, does that mean that you will have no fun or breaks for the reminder of…
The Bar Exam: Helping Family Understand Your Stress
Many will start their Bar course this week. I remember clearly how much fear of the unknown I had going into my first course. And rather than feeling somewhat relieved after the first day, I left feeling more nervous than before because I just didn’t know how I was going to learn everything I needed to learn in time for the Bar. I say this not to freak you out, but to show solidarity in the complete mind-F that the Bar prep can be; it’s a really difficult time because this is high stress, high stakes. Throughout the summer we’ll share Bar prep tips that are useful for those studying,…
Don’t Do It: Things to Avoid After Law School Finals
One of the biggest difference between undergrad and law school is that in undergrad, you go into finals with a basic idea of what your grade will be in that class. In law school, all of your grade is dependent on this one final exam, and you have little idea what your grade will be or even if you are truly understanding the concepts of the course. So unlike undergrad, where you can turn in your bluebook and move on–law school finals stick with you for a long time. There’s always a little bug in your head reminding you that grades are coming and it makes you worry about how you…
Bar Exam Must Haves
So many are just weeks away from taking the February Bar! I remember hating the last two weeks because 1) all I did was study; 2) I was so ready for it to be over, but at the same time I was terrified to actually take the exam so it was a weird constant state of despair. For those that are taking the exam at the end of the month (or Super Planners, ready for July), I thought it would be useful to talk about some must-haves/must-dos/do nots for the day of the Bar: Must Have: Make sure you bring double the writing utensils that you need–even if you’re typing…
Get Rid of Stress in Ten Minutes or Less
If you follow me on Snapchat (and you should!) you saw that this week I had a crappy morning-so bad that I went off my regular tea-only schedule and bought myself a latte to feel better. I know that indulging in bad calories is probably not the greatest thing to do, but sometimes we just need the comfort, tu sabes. Anyway, I had a semi-hectic week (it got a lot better), but when combined with the anxious vibes I could feel from the soon-to-be attorneys studying for the February Bar, I found myself a little stressed out. It made me think that it would be a good idea to share…