Issues,  Legal Practice

Do It Again: Overcoming the “Prove it Again” Bias at Work

A funny thing happens after you’ve been practicing law for a few years. While you are developing your skills and growing more confident about your talent, you start to sense other people being surprised at how great you perform. Almost too surprised… This is a phenomenon the Harvard Business Review calls “prove it again.” A cycle women experience where we’re not given credit for our potential. Instead, our capabilities are questioned more harshly and when we do deliver, those in charge need you to “prove it again” because obviously you’re past success was a fluke…

It is exhausting and disheartening. A punch to the gut when you realize a respected colleague or manager didn’t think you had it in you. Here’s one of my examples, I often present to private attorneys as part of our fundraising strategy. I’ve been doing it for years and have refined the approach with other colleagues. A few months ago, a person came to one of the presentations and for some reason thought it was necessary to remind me that I should introduce myself before I started the presentation. I couldn’t even respond. Here I am–one of the firm’s strongest surrogates and they thought I wouldn’t know the bare minimum of a presentation. 

It is exhausting to see, in real time, how little faith have someone has in you–especially when you know you are capable of delivering. So what has helped me face this bias at work and overcome it?

One. Be aware of it. Maybe you have sensed it before, but never could put a name on it. Or you thought it was just you, surely no one is questioning your talent years into your profession? But understanding that that hesitancy people have about trusting you is largely due to this bias can help you push through their doubt and not let it keep you from advancing in your career. Of course this assumes you haven’t had any major mistakes that make their hesitancy reasonable. But ask yourself, have I always delivered my best? Are my skills ready for this new challenge? Am I giving myself enough time to prepare? If so, don’t let their doubt stop you from achieving and growing in your career.

Two. Know yourself. Like the step above, it’s important that you know your skillset–what are your strengths and where are you looking to grow? And then understand that when you do take on a challenge you will need to deliver 110% because women are judged more harshly and aren’t given space to make mistakes. This is absolutely unfair. Men are given many opportunities because they are judged on potential not past achievements. But until that changes, take on opportunities strategically and know when you need to put in time to prepare in areas that aren’t yet your strength.

Three. Be your advocate. You need to become comfortable highlighting your own achievements. Keep a record of your wins: actions that helped your client, cases you’ve won, other ways you’ve helped your firm, and become comfortable mentioning them in performance evaluations or in other appropriate settings. Also, when you feel you have enough goodwill capital, consider asking the person that consistently asks you to “prove it again,” if there’s a specific reason for their hesitancy. “You know, I’ve noticed you’re a bit hesitant about this assignment. I’ve done this type of work successfully XYZ times, so is there something different about this case?” Do this carefully and cordially, but without guilt because after so many times we should feel comfortable calling out this behavior.

What are ways where you have had to “prove it again” and how has it impacted your work?