Work Life Balance

  • Issues,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Horrible Bosses

    My first disclaimer is that thankfully, mercifully, I don’t work for any of the horrible bosses I’m about to describe, but it’s likely that sometime in our career we will find ourselves working under conditions that have been made impossible due to the person filling the leadership role.  And when you have a bad boss it really sucks. It impacts your work, your skills, and your mental/physical health.  Unfortunately, bad bosses are a symptom of bad leadership overall.  Their behavior chases away good talent and the higher-ups are too lazy to manage these bad actors. Bad bosses come in all forms and I want to discuss the two that are…

  • Issues,  Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Latinas, You Should Go To Law School.

    I feel like I’m breaking a code when I discuss the negative aspects about law school.  Above all, I do not want to dissuade anyone from achieving their higher Ed goals.  And the reality is that we need more Latinas in the law, for real, but I also want to give practical information and be as real as possible. And the reality is that the job market still sucks—especially for those interested in public interest/government jobs. There just hasn’t been a bounce back like we’ve seen in the private sector.  This, on top of the crazy amount of student debt so many of us have to take on if we…

  • Issues,  Work Life Balance

    Why Hasn’t Immigration Been A Priority?

    I read the NY Times article this week and on top of the raids, it really made me think about our current state of affairs.  I know we all have individual political leanings and beliefs that make it impossible to say Latinos are all this way.  And I wouldn’t even say that immigration is my number one political issue, but I think it would be dismissive to not admit just how much immigration impacts our communities overall. It may not be my number one issue, but collectively, it has to be a priority for us. So we seek candidates that claim to support us, but I’ve been hearing about immigration…

  • Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Setting Professional Goals

    As practicing professionals, we can run a big risk of just putting in the work day-in and day-out without stopping to re-assess and re-align.  Even if we have a few days off at the end of the year, most people rarely take a moment to really consider ways to start anew. And it’s important to assess what you’re doing (even if it’s not at the beginning of the year) because time moves fast and if you’re not careful, years will pass by and suddenly you’ll find yourself stuck in a rut, or you’ll make career changes and decisions without really thinking about the long-term results.  That’s why I’m a big…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Planning Ahead for the New Semester

    I am so eager to get back into the rhythm of my normal. The last three months of 2015 were kind of out of control-I easily worked every weekend to meet some deadline/research. It was really out of the ordinary for my job.  Thankfully, I think things are settling down and getting back to normal. Having said that, I really like the beginning of the year. It’s totally cliché, but the idea of starting fresh just really appeals to me.  Maybe because I went to school for a million years so I’m still used to starting fresh in January. For those that are actually in school and starting a new…

  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    New Year Motivation

    A reader had the brilliant idea to share some motivational movies/reading materials for people pursuing the law.  And what a better time to get some motivation than during the new year! For those on break, take the time to read or watch things that will inspire you to take on spring semester. For those practicing, any time is a good time to be reminded of why we do this. Now, these recommendations are mostly fictional and somewhat frivolous–I questioned whether to post this now in light of the recent events involving our criminal justice system; because honestly the motivation we should have as people of color is the constant injustices…

  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Life After Law School Finals

    This is re-post from last year, but it still holds true! Enjoy your break! And for those of us practicing, take advantage of the season to indulge in self-care! Seven years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) and I celebrated our first Christmas together after finishing my first semester of law school.   I recently stumbled across a picture of our tree: I have to smile at the sparseness of the apartment; the newspaper wrapping paper; and the window treatments because the apartment was always freezing!  The struggle was real!  Aside from upping my decoration game, this picture reminds of the difficulties of  that first semester. During the midst of my first…

  • Law School,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Gift Guide: Pre-Law to Attorneys

    This gift guide is a little more inclusive and also my favorite because it’s less about practicality and more about inspiration.  Can I just say that 1) I have loved discovering new Latina-owned businesses online? Latinas are increasingly more likely to start their own small businesses and the things I see online make it obvious why–such good products!  And 2) it is crazy how adding a few touches of motivation can really inspire you to do work. This gift guide are items that I have found to be inspiring and that I think other Latinas in the Law, whether pre-law or seasoned attorneys, will appreciate.   Kick-ass Tees. I paired…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Gift Guide: Law Students

    I remember how eager I was for winter break my 1L year. First semester is no joke and it’s not just because it’s stressful–it’s also intimidating because you are so much in the dark about the process.  Are you understanding the material? Will you know how to do the essay the right way? Will you beat the curve? What is the curve?! It’s tough. But here is some light towards the end of the tunnel: presents! If you’re looking for special items that law students will love here are some guaranteed favorites:     Stress Relief.  Manzanilla, lavender, etc all have some calming influences that law students need. Not only are…

  • Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Gift Guide: Attorneys

    It’s the holiday season! First, has anyone watched the HBO documentary on Latino music? I watched it a few weeks ago and have such a deep and new appreciation for Jose Feliciano’s Feliz Navidad. Totally didn’t know his journey and the racism he faced, so Feliz Navidad to those that celebrate! Anyway, even if you don’t, it’s always exciting to give and receive gifts. Here are some ideas to get for the attorney in your life (or if you were just recently sworn in: treat yo self!): Stylish office supplies. I say no to overly feminine office material, but sleek pieces do exist. It may not seem useful but sometimes…