Work Life Balance

  • Work Life Balance


    It’s the end of December.  Crazy!  We’ve been chugging along for four months now and are so grateful to our subscribers! We so appreciate when you take time out of your day to see what we’re up to!! At the same time, we’re super happy and thankful that we’re still on holiday and celebrating a long and happy Christmas season in Florida with family.  We hope you’re doing the same!  But in case you need some screen time (who doesn’t!?) here are our favorite links from around the internet this month.  Slate had such an interesting perspective piece on how violence against women should seen as a good predictor of…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Before and After

    Seven years ago, my husband (then boyfriend) and I celebrated our first Christmas together after finishing my first semester of law school.   I recently stumbled across a picture of our tree: I have to smile at the sparseness of the apartment; the newspaper wrapping paper; and the window treatments because the apartment was always freezing!  The struggle was real!  Aside from upping my decoration game, this picture reminds of the difficulties of  that first semester. During the midst of my first semester finals (and almost all the other final seasons thereafter), I always felt this constant pressure of anxiety that I’m sure many people feel.  Would my grades be good…

  • Issues,  Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Article Review: Women, Work, and Policies

    I recently read this article by the New York Times that I thought required more than just a highlight on the monthly links post.  The article is entitled, Why U.S. Women Are Leaving Jobs Behind.  The author describes the difference in parenting policies enacted by the U.S. compared to Europe.  This is always an interesting topic for me because I’m vehemently opposed with creating a façade that women have a choice, but really they’re arranging it so that only one choice ends up being the better option. The article discusses how the European policies seem to give favorable maternal leave, daycare subsidies, and higher protections to women once they have children.  Whereas the…

  • Work Life Balance

    Some is Better than None

    Everyone is super busy right now.  Exams, new jobs, end of the year wind-downs, the holidays, family–the list goes on and on!  It’s so easy for our health to take a backseat when there seems to be so many more pressing issues.  But it’s so important that we take on the attitude that our health isn’t something that can be compromised.  I struggle with this mindset everyday.  It’s so easy to just buy lunch, instead of packing something healthy; to sleep in, instead of getting up early to exercise.  But I also know that the more I put off my health, the harder I’m making it for myself because the…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Gift Guide for Law Students

    We’re sharing some gift ideas for law students! If you’re in the midst of finals, you may not have been able to give suggestions to family/friends that ask you what you’d like for the holidays. So today’s gift guide has ideas for useful presents that can come in handy for most law students.        Gift Cards: Gift cards to restaurants and coffee shops are great, but you can also consider giving a gift card to Amazon or any store that sells text books at much cheaper rates than school bookstores.  I know, text book purchases aren’t very fun, but any little bit helps, right?  Coffee tumbler:  Coffee is a given and…

  • Work Life Balance

    Seedy Energy Salad

    We talk a lot about trying to eat healthy and try to occasionally share quick and healthy recipes for everyone to try.   One thing that’s difficult (for me) in my attempt to eat healthy is what to bring for lunch at work.  I tend to go in cycles, but always seem end up back at salads.  Lately, I’ve been craving nutty, seedy salads and today’s recipe really satisfies this craving. It is filling even without meat, but I keep tuna packets at work and usually add it to the mix.  However, I’ve also eaten it without tuna and it keeps me just as full and satisfied throughout the day.  Mostly, it’s…

  • Legal Practice,  Work Life Balance

    Gift Guide for New Attorneys

    I love seeing all the status updates on people being sworn-in during this time of the year!  Being admitted to the Bar is always such a special moment, and for us Latinas it’s a hard-won prize.  It’s important to celebrate this milestone and if you have a new attorney in your life (or even one that has been practicing for a few years) the holidays are a perfect time to acknowledge this accomplishment!        Business Card Holder.  A very necessary tool for networking, and a card holder is the best way to keep your cards nice and clean. Giftcards.  Yes, the new attorney may be starting their journey as a young legal…

  • Law School,  Work Life Balance

    Easy and Healthy Snacks for Stressful Times

    For people that knew me in law school, they may laugh that I’m about to encourage people to eat healthy during law school finals. I would laugh too. Not only did I tend to not snack healthy during school, but I wasn’t eating healthy–period. So, I totally understand how during this time in school, you’re more likely to say, “screw it,” and go to bed instead of packing a healthy lunch for the next day. Or more likely, say, “screw it,” and eat the free pizza that the bar prep course/student organization is offering instead of staying cooped up at the library. But it’s not just easy to eat poorly…

  • Issues,  Work Life Balance

    Happy Thanksgiving: Link Round Up

    We hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!  We are on the mend of a really bad head cold (in fact, I just googled “can I harm my brain from coughing,” because this cough is still something fierce).  But instead of wallowing about being sick, I’m trying to enjoy having time off work and getting to spend quality time with family. Though I know for many people it’s the beginning of high stress season with finals approaching.  I mentioned on instagram that Thanksgiving as a 1L was so stressful and sad–so even though I’m sick, I’m still much happier today than when I had to work Black Friday and cram for exams…