• SideBar

    Sidebar: So Many Parties

    August was a whirlwind. There was a lot of events left and right, both at work and home. At work, we had like a million going away parties–ok, just four, but still a massive amount. We’ve had a lot of turnover lately for various reasons and of course that means we have goodbye parties for everyone. And while I like all my coworkers, just like Animal Farm, some are more liked than others lol #kanyeshrug. Meaning, I was really bummed when one of them left b/c we were work buds. But that is the life of legal aid–people come and go all the time. In the meantime, I super enjoyed…

  • SideBar

    SideBar: Four Years In {Anniversary Post}

    Four years ago, Latinas Uprising went live! I never, ever dreamed of how this community would unfold and how passionate I would become about diversity in the legal field. This site is a labor of love, and it brings me so much joy to work on it, little by little, everyday. Mil, mil, mil, mil gracias! I want to share four questions I had to think about during these past four years: One. Is there a need? The biggest question I had when I started this was whether or not there was an audience. I knew I had struggled in law school and even when I did my research, I…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: Wtf is Happening

    I can’t believe June is over. It flew by–I think it helps that I’ve been super busy at work. I have one month of supervision under my belt and now that we’re “fully” staffed I finally feel like I’m not drowning. Being a supervisor hasn’t had a lot of changes–some extra meetings, and more consultations than ever before but not much else has changed. I did realize that how I approached being an attorney has to be different than how I manage. Most attorney jobs are very solo-work dependent. I’m used to doing my work and calling it a day, but I’m really aware now that I have a other…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: Where to Even Start

    The title says it all. I have been hemming and hawing since the beginning of the year about work. I didn’t really know where I was heading and I was a little nervous about the outcome. Let me start at the beginning. For New Year’s I made getting a new position one of my goals. I had hoped it would be something new at work, but wasn’t sure and I was pushing myself that if nothing was coming I would start looking for other work outside my agency. I wanted to stay but knew that even though I loved my agency, my clients, my team, and the work that I…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: Let’s Do Lunch

    I feel like I spent all of April “networking” (i.e. meeting with friends for coffee/lunch) or real networking (i.e. meeting with other professionals for work events). Either way, it was a lot of coffee/wine.  I saw a lot of people from outside my agency (both former coworkers and just people I know from the community) and it was SO cathartic to be able to talk about the general complaints about work, being a person of color in the law, plans/ideas, etc–I’m definitely adding more coffee dates to my summer!   The official events for work were actually fun (surprise). One was at City Winery, so that was great because obviously…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: It is your birthday.

    This sidebar is a little different because honestly outside of my birthday and getting my hair done, March was kind of boring lol so I thought I’d switch it up and share a little more about me for new readers.  But I do have to add that my birthday was a lot of fun! We did a lot at work because one of my work buddies is amazing and super considerate. I <3 her. And home, obviously was super nice. E had flowers delivered to my office and we had dinner with friends at my fave tapas place, so it was great. New hair, who dis? Anyway, here is some…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: Did I get any color?

    February was a whirlwind–it feels like it was a million years ago but probably because I had so much going on–which is nice because I like being busy but also that means that there is only so much I can do with my limited hours. And sometimes this site suffers, which I don’t like, but thanks for your patience! The most important part was that I went on a badly, sorely needed, well-deserved vacation at the beginning of the month. We went to Puerto Vallarta, which is just heaven. I’m sure there’s more to do in Vallarta than sit at a beach, but that’s literally all I want to do…

  • SideBar

    Sidebar: It’s 2018 ya’ll

    Ok so January seemed like it went on forever, right? Maybe because I had a ton to do and vacation at the end of the month so it just seemed to drag. Not in a bad way, just a slow way  lol. Anyway, 2018 has been nice so far and different all at the same time. First, let me start with the nice. We celebrated NYE at a local Mexican restaurant called Adobo and it was just a really decadent dinner; filled with drinks and delicious food. Total gluttony and the perfect way to ring in a new year, imo. So that was a lot of fun. Soon after the…

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    Sidebar: It’s Christmas?

    In what will surprise no one, this month got away from me. Obvi you could tell because content was sloooooow around here. My bad. In my defense, I was sick for the majority of the month so that really does a number on me. The month however started incredibly well! I saw Marc Anthony in early December and he was great! I only go to see Beyonce, but my husband (who does not speak/understand Spanish) thought he’d enjoyed Marc Anthony so we decided to go. He’s such an amazing performer! So I thought I was ending the year with a bang and then I went to bed with a weird…

  • Uncategorized

    Sidebar: Oh, I live here.

    It’s December. Omgah. It’s super cliche to say that this year went by fast, but like hoooow fast. We’re like propelling into nuclear war faster than I imagined. Oh, what am I the only one with the gnawing dread that our demise is upon us because we’re being held hostage by deranged lunatics beholden only to profits? I don’t think it’s just me. So yes, many times a day I have to check myself and push back the fear that is our new reality and pretend everything is ok. I stumbled upon this SNL skit and realized that I want to be the fry guys. Total obliviousness seems nice. OK…